Rendre l'agriculture plus durable, pour tous
Why is sustainability important in agriculture?
The agricultural sector is closely linked to sustainability issues:
It is responsible for 22% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions*
It is one of the few sectors capable of sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere.
It is directly affected by climate change
Regulations increasingly favourable to sustainability
*Source: IPCC 2022 Climate Change Report
What are the solutions to improve sustainability?
Many solutions and approaches can be applied:
Optimization: more efficient use of resources
Innovation: choice of more sustainable inputs and machines
Regenerative agriculture : adoption of practices that store carbon in the soil and promote organic matter.
How do we help agriculture to be more sustainable?
We restore trust
Farmers lack cash to produce, we bring them up to 70% of the fruits of their future harvest from sowing, thus allowing them to regain their freedom, to negotiate better with their suppliers, to better choose their technical itinerary, ...
We collect data
Farmers track information about their crops to simplify farm management and create an objective starting point.
We calculate the impact
Farms and supply chains gain an objective view of the impact of their individual operations, identifying key sources of emissions and areas for improvement.
Carbon dioxide -CO2eq
Water -H2Oeq
Acidification - SO2eq
Eutrophication - PO4eq
Biodiversity - BIODIVeq
We give advice
Grâce à nos capteurs, à nos modèles agronomiques et à l'intelligence artificielle du site Turbo Farm, les agriculteurs reçoivent des conseils sur la manière d'optimiser la défense, l'irrigation et la fertilisation, ce qui permet d'économiser des ressources.
-20~50% Eau utilisée
-4~16% Pesticides
-5~12% Engrais
We are on the ground
Beyond technology, Turbo Cereal and our partner xFarm Technologies, which is made up of agronomists, engineers and technicians, support sectors and farmers in their ecological transition:
Digitalization: training all stakeholders, monitoring the situation and supporting farmers
Agronomic project: we develop specific agronomic models and ensure coordination with technical teams.
Sustainability: We support the development of production specifications, reporting and communication with the supply chain.
Increase your profits by making the transition to growing more than just grains.
Engage in the Turbocereal sustainable production program for 5 years at your own pace and earn points convertible into Cash.
The value of the point is variable, its value varies depending in particular on the sustainability certificates, carbon emitted or not with Turbocereal.
Details available in the production specifications.
Data sharing
Conventional soil work
Reduced ground work
cover crops
Synthetic fertilizers
Organic fertilizers
1 to 3 passes
up to 2 points/ha
up to 2 points/ha
up to 3 points/ha
up to 3 points/ha
up to 4 points/ha
Potential gains
up to 15 points/ha
Potential gains of up to €250/ha with a tonne of CO2 at €50
We develop services through the analysis of production data and the use of artificial intelligence to support our producers in producing more while optimizing resources.
We respect SDGs 2, 3, 5, 12, 13 for sustainable agriculture .
-2- Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
ensure the sustainability of food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, contribute to the preservation of ecosystems, strengthen the capacity to adapt to climate change, extreme weather events, drought, floods and other disasters and progressively improve the quality of land and soils
preserve the genetic diversity of seeds, crops and farmed and domesticated animals and their wild relatives, including through well-managed and diversified seed and plant banks at the national, regional and international levels, and promote access to and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, as agreed at the international level
Increase, particularly within the framework of strengthening international cooperation, investment in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services
Adopt measures to ensure the proper functioning of food and derivative markets and facilitate timely access to market information, including food reserves, in order to help limit extreme food price volatility
-3- Enable everyone to live in good health and promote the well-being of all at all ages
significantly reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals, pollution and contamination of air, water and soil
Strengthen the capacity of all countries, particularly developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks
-5- Achieving gender equality
Ensure the full and effective participation of women and their equal access to leadership positions at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life
Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with domestic law
-12- Establish sustainable consumption and production patterns
parvenir à une gestion durable et à une utilisation rationnelle des ressources naturelles
réduire de moitié à l’échelle mondiale le volume de déchets alimentaires par habitant au niveau de la distribution comme de la consommation et réduire les pertes de produits alimentaires tout au long des chaînes de production et d’approvisionnement, y compris les pertes après récolte
instaurer une gestion écologiquement rationnelle des produits chimiques et de tous les déchets tout au long de leur cycle de vie, conformément aux principes directeurs arrêtés à l’échelle internationale, et réduire considérablement leur déversement dans l’air, l’eau et le sol, afin de minimiser leurs effets négatifs sur la santé et l’environnement
Mettre au point et utiliser des outils de contrôle des impacts sur le développement durable, pour un tourisme durable qui crée des emplois et met en valeur la culture et les produits locaux
-13-Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Renforcer, dans tous les pays, la résilience et les capacités d’adaptation face aux aléas climatiques et aux catastrophes naturelles liées au climat
Améliorer l’éducation, la sensibilisation et les capacités individuelles et institutionnelles en ce qui concerne l’adaptation aux changements climatiques, l’atténuation de leurs effets et la réduction de leur impact et les systèmes d’alerte rapide